Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Pentax-M SMC 28mm F-2.8 Lens

So I was out taking some photos of the Tower Bridge one night, and my 50mm wasn't cutting it. I could only get like 3/4s of the bridge in the shot. So I decided it was time I got a dedicated 28mm lens. In my hasty resolve to acquire this new lens I bought the Pentax-M 28mm f-2.8. After using it for around a week, actually at like 3 days, I had decided that the sharpness of the lens would not work for me.So I put it on the shelf for a while.
     I've been using it on my Pentax *ist DL and just using it for close up work and surprisingly it does fine for that sort of thing, the building shots that I took with it about a month ago, were totally unimpressive and that is when I kinda just decided that it wasn't what I wanted. I also noticed a lot of chromatic Abberation, so minus a few more points there.

I began using the lens with a Light Ring that is still a work in progress and it does fairly well for that sort of thing. The subjects aren't that far away and it doesn't degrade the detail. I took some cat pictures this morning with the *ist DL, and they came out pretty decent, acceptable at least.

My opinion of this lens is that it SUCKS for building or landscape shots, especially concerning anything with a large amount of detail. Close up is this lens main fulfillment in life.

These are some building shots I took with the 28mm, they are pretty decent but the detail is shitty. the close ups of myself and the cats are like I said more than acceptalbe. Comparatively to say the SMC 50 DA f1.8 or even the *ist DL kit lens.
Me looking super great, with DIY (work in progress) Ring Light

Ragnar, as always looking displeased about the camera.

Rambo, enjoying some plants.

Remington, ever alert.
Hotel Downtown.

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